
CluneTech’s CSR programme was established in September 2007 in response to a tragic flooding disaster in Tsar Kaloyan, Bulgaria. Deeply saddened by the news, our Bulgarian employees decided to help and within 48 hours, they had rallied together and organised 3.5 tonnes of food and 12,000 litres of water for the village.

After this event, we formalised our CSR activity to give it a global reach, ensuring to support each of the communities in which we operate. Today we’re proud to have a CSR Programme that is created by our people, for our people.


I Want a Baby Foundation

CluneTech Supports the I Want a Baby Foundation, Further Assisting Those Experiencing Infertility. This donation will directly assist the facilitation of psychological support groups for those experiencing infertility in Bulgaria’s sea capital Varna, where the large majority of our Bulgarian workforce is based.


Ronald McDonald House Charities

CluneTech Cares provides vital support to Ronald McDonald House Charities who provide accommodation and a caring and supportive environment for families whose children are seriously ill and are hospitalised or undergoing medical treatment at Children’s Health Ireland, Crumlin.

introduced in 2020

Volunteer Day

At CluneTech, we are passionate about giving back to our communities all over the world. Our Volunteer Day empowers our people to give back within their local communities during working time, ensuring that even our smaller teams can get behind the charities and causes closest to their hearts.

Wellness · Culture & Community · Sustainability

Who We Have Supported

Over the years, we have been fortunate to support some of the world’s most incredible charities and organisations. What makes it all the more special is that our CSR Programme is based on employee requests and each year, our employees are invited to bring forward causes they’d like to see us support.


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